Sia Blockchain to Ban All Mining Hardware from Mining Giants

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A move, which is considered by many as crazy, was just made by the Sia blockchain network. Sia just released the formal code for its upcoming hard fork. What makes heads turn is that this hard fork will block all miners, which use hardware by major manufacturers like Bitmain.

The release of the code version 1.3.6 was announced last Tuesday in Sia’s official channel on Discord. David Vorick, founder and CEO of Nebulous made the announcement and also shared additional information. He stated that all major exchanges will be participating in the hard fork. Additionally, every single user who wants to use the Sia network will be required to upgrade before the official hard fork date.

This development isn’t something new though. This hard fork was something discussed for over a year by the Sia community. Eventually it was decided that the hard fork was going to be in October or in the very latest November.

After it’s activation, the version 1.36 of the code will ensure only application-specific intergrated circuit (ASIC) processors can mine on the network. The processors also need to be designed by the Nebulous subsidiary Obelisk.

A lot of people agree with the Sia blockchain

This will result is all other ASIC miners being banned/blocked from the SIA blockchain. This includes the miners made from behemoths like Innosilicon and Bitmain. With the huge amount of speculations, it’s highly unclear how this will affect the Sia blockchain network in the following months.

Bitmain themselves launched the AntMiner A3 in January. The AntMiner was specifically designed to target the Sia network’s token Siacoin. There was also added support for siacoin on its own mining pool. Vorick mentioned that the new code has prepared for the Sybil attacks.

These attacks occur by a mass creation of fake IDs used to exploit a network. There are also numerous other methods used to manipulate the host to the top ranks unfairly.

The Sia blockchain also offers a solution for the miners who refuse to align with the upcoming hard fork. There is an alternate upgrade version 1.3.5, which will be released together with 1.3.6.

The 1.3.5. version will fix the same security issues, but will discard the hard fork part of the code. This essentially means that 1.3.5. and 1.3.6. are basically the same update with the only difference being the hard fork activation.

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