Decentraland Partnership with HTC Resulted in a 60% Price Increase

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It’s become evident in modern finance that strategic partnerships can be incredibly successful. The high-profile partnership with HTC, resulted in Decentraland (MANA)’s price surge of 60%.

The VR-focused digital asset’s price rose from $0.0363 to $0.0581 against the USD in a matter of minutes. This development occurred shortly after the partnership between the Taiwan-based phone manufacturer and the digital asset became official.

This large price increase comes less than 24 hours after Enjin coin recorded a 200% increase against Bitcoin. This monumental rise was accredited to the listing of the asset on the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. Enjin coin is a crypto asset on the gaming blockchain network named Enjin.

Decentraland making news

On February 26th, the partnership between the HTC Exodus 1 and Decentraland made news. The Exodus 1 is the world’s first blockchain phone and it was launched in the end of 2018. The phone featured a private blockchain vault called the Zion Vault. With this embedded feature, users can securely hold crypto assets.

As Coinstaker reported earlier, there were rumors of the new Galaxy S10 having an integrated crypto private key storage into the new Samsung Blockchain Wallet. This feature was rumored to provide users with a native access to cryptocurrencies.

Both giants are said to have integrated unique crypto assets over major, established cryptocurrencies like EOS, Ripple, Tron, etc. This is mainly attributed to their belief that the potential of blockchain tech far exceeds the realm of payments.

In the official blockchain tutorial of Samsung, the company emphasized on the many uses blockchain can be used for: gaming, e-commerce, insurance, etc.

“With blockchain, every user can store and process data in a decentralized ecosystem which is used in many areas. Those areas include, but are not limited to: secure information distribution, insurance and contract verification, copyrights management, game items storage, digital asset storage and digital asset transactions.”

The team from Decentraland spoke highly about the new partnership:

“Both companies are very commited to redefine the way people manage their identities, privacy, crypto and other digital possesions.”

The Exodus 1 stores private keys directly on its hardware and thus allows users to secure their Decentraland IDs, data and assets. This process entirely removes the middleman. The Decentraland LAND and MANA will both be supported on by the Zion Vault.

Even though, most cryptocurrencies suffered losses between 95% to 99%, Decentraland has most “only” 81% of its all-time high. Bitcoin for instance has lost 80% since its all-time high. This still makes Decentraland one of the top 10 best performing crypto assets during the prolonged bear market.

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