Cointelegraph Ban Enforced in Russia: No Explanationby Roskomnadzor

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Truth fears no investigation, or at least that’s what we’re fooled into believing. It’s become a very common occurrence for governments to silence platforms that do not parrot their narratives. Earlier today, Russia blocked one of the most well-known and respected crypto outlets, Cointelegraph.

The Cointelegraph ban is something which many people expected to happen sooner or later. The website has been blocked in Russia since 2017, but the Cointelegraph ban was implemented on a technical level just yesterday.

All such nation-wide bans, are done by the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (ROSKOMNADZOR).

Cointelegraph shared information from an anonymous developer of a Russian anti-censorship browser extention:

 “The URL was added to Roskomnadzor’s blacklist file and mailed to ISPs yesterday.”

The developer also stated that he was unsure why Cointelegraph was simply added to the blacklist yesterday.

There is simply no justification for the Cointelegraph ban

Cointelegraph has attempted to contact many of its Russian readers and it seems that the majority of them are unable to access the site. Some reports claim that access is still possible, while others are reporting outages on the site. This is probably a sign that not all ISPs have completely implemented the XML file.

There is as usual, not a single word of explanation coming from Roskomnadzor. The Cointelegraph ban does not seem to be anything special and is just the next in a chain of bans with an ever-increasing internet censorship policy.

Earlier this year, Roskomnadzor was planning to sue both Twitter and Facebook for allegedly not complying with laws for Russian citizen data storage.

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